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TSS Engineer (Information Technologies)
1. 「國際合作及技術能量建置」:參與運轉維護事業相關合作夥伴、供應鏈、下包商、客戶等互動介面;負責與電力系統相關公司之配合,包含合作計畫提案、技術移轉、管理各項跟進工作等。
“International collaboration and technical capacity building”: Participating in interfaces concerning O&M topics, including those with partners, suppliers, contractors and clients. Responsible for the collaboration with companies under the discipline of electrical systems, including drafting cooperation proposals, technical partnership, and relevant coordination.
2. 「運維標案之準備」:依照運轉維護工作投標時程,負責變電站投標文件之相關規劃與準備,包含:審閱與分析招標文件、提出工作方法及流程、撰擬計劃書及資料整合等。
“Tender Preparation”: Planning and preparation of O&M related Tenders along with the Tendering schedule, including reviewing and analyzing the tender documents, proposing methodologies and workflows, preparing the proposals, and information integration, etc.
3. 「海氣象塔相關事務」:監控海氣象塔電力及各項設備之日常運作,針對潛在風險提出改善措施,並於需要時出海進行設備維護及檢修。
“Met Mast related affairs”: Monitoring daily operations of all equipment, including electricity provision of the Met Mast, providing improvement suggestions to mitigate potential exposures, and further conducting on-site equipment inspection, maintenance, and troubleshooting when necessary. Supporting the designs and coordinating with line managers to ensure smooth operations.
4. 「風場開發相關事務」:負責風場開發所需之電力系統相關業務,包括併聯許可申請或更新、單線圖規劃等。
“Wind farm development related affairs”: Responsible for wind farm development related affairs concerning electrical scopes, including coordinating and processing applications and renewals of grid consent, planning for single line diagram, etc.
5. 其他主管交辦事項。
Other tasks assigned by the Management.
1. 至少6年以上工作經驗。
At least 6 years of working experience.
2. 精通中英文,具良好溝通、協調能力。
Possessing excellent command of both Mandarin and English; be sophisticated in communication and coordination skills.
TSS Engineer (Electrical Engineering/Electrical Systems)
1. 「管理系統與認證」:落實及優化內部資訊安全管理規則及措施、並負責管理ISO 27001系統。
“Management mechanism and certification”: Implementing and optimizing internal information mechanisms and measures, including managing the ISO27001 management system, etc.
2. 「海氣象塔相關事務」:維持海氣象觀測塔之儀器、相關程式之日常運作,如風速風向計、路由器、轉接點等;負責管理海氣象觀測塔之觀測資料,含資料蒐集、傳送、上載、分析、報告等。
“Met Mast related affairs”: Managing the daily operations of the instrument and programs of the met mast, including anemometer, router, transmission point, etc; be responsible for the topics concerning the data collection of the Met Mast, including receiving, uploading, analyzing, and reporting, etc.
3. 「公司資訊安全系統軟硬體維護」:管理及維護公司資安系統,包括:資訊系統規畫、資料庫與防火牆管理及各項異常排除等;維護公司硬體設備之運作,包括:伺服器運作、網路線路規劃及運維等。
“Maintenance of information security systems”: Managing the corporate information security systems, including the planning of information system, database and firewall management, and troubleshooting; operations and maintenance for servers, wiring, etc.
4. 「產學合作」:規劃與執行國內院校及研究單位之產學、科研等相關計畫之工作,透過該專業研究與分析資源建立內部研究與分析專業。
“Academia-Industrial Collaboration”: Planning and executing tasks relevant to Industry-Academia Collaboration by collaborating with domestic universities and research institutions, while establishing in-house expertise on such studies and analysis.
5. 其他主管交辦事項。
Other tasks assigned by the Management.
1. 至少6年以上工作經驗。
At least 6 years of working experience.
2. 具備管理與執行ISO27001之相關工作經驗。
Relevant experiences in managing and executing ISO27001 management system.
3. 精通中英文,具良好溝通、協調能力。
Possessing excellent command of both Mandarin and English; be sophisticated in communication and coordination skills.
Offshore O&M Technician (Full-time/contractor)
1. 依照操作手冊或相關安裝說明,進行離岸設施,如風機、塔架,之檢測與基礎維護工作。
Conduct inspection, troubleshooting or repair work for offshore facilities, such as wind turbines, towers, relevant offshore equipment, etc, in accordance with the manual and guidance provided.
2. 依照公司規定或客戶要求之格式,完成工作日誌。
Complete work log in accordance with company's guidance or client's requirement, provide documentation and timely report to supervisors.
3. 氣象塔之運轉維護。
Operate and maintain Offshore Met Mast to ensure the availability of data transmission.
4. 其他主管指派事項。
Other assignment designated by the company, subject to the background and expertise of the candidate.
*This work requires to work and communicate closely with the foreign expats and therefore basic English proficiency is required.
1. 機械或電機背景 。
Mechanical engineering or electrical engineering background.
2. 願意配合公司案場調動、工作時間安排。
Willing to work on a rotation basis at different offshore sites allocated by the company.
3. 英語溝通能力。
Good English communication skills.
4. 有GWO證照者優先錄取。
Candidates with GWO certificates are preferred.
5. 必須通過離岸工作人員相關健康檢查。
Completion of an offshore medical is mandatory.
Legal and Commercial Manager
1. 「管理制度、營運模式與內部遵循」:參與組織營運及管理模式相關工作,包含:商業模式、再生能源產業相關之管理制度及遵循、預算統籌,如:ISO管理系統、ESG等,以優化內部法遵規定。
“Governance, business models, and internal compliances”: Involving in the operations and management works in the organization, including business models, budget planning, corporate governance such as ISO Management Systems, ESG, etc. in relation to the renewable energy industries, and stipulating the internal compliances accordingly.
2. 「組織發展與人才開發」:參與組織發展及人才開發等工作事項,包含:人力資源的選拔、訓練、管理等。
“Talent and organization development”: Involving in organization and talent development matters, including the selection, training, and management of the human resources and talent pool.
3. 「風場資產相關事務」:參與風場資產之發展工作,提出對策分析以利執行長進行相關決策,包含:與策略性、財務性投資人/合作夥伴之協商及各項條款、架構設定等。
“Wind farm assets related matters”: Involving in the development works of the wind farm assets, including the negotiations on terms and conditions with strategic/financial investors, advising the CEO on relevant key topics.
4. 「運維事業相關事務」:參與運維事業之發展工作,包含:與策略性、技術性合作夥伴之協商;與金融機構之投融資條款、架構設定。對合約、談判議題進行風險評估及效益分析以做為決策參考。
“O&M contract related matters”: Involving in the development works of O&M businesses, including the negotiation on terms with strategic/technical partners and financial institutions, providing analysis across interests and risks for decision making.
5. 「仲裁與訴訟」:協助執行長管理國內外訴訟、仲裁相關事務,包含:參與跟各案律師及專家證人之討論、研擬策略、掌控重要議題、進行風險評估分析、管理進度等。
“Arbitration and litigations”: Assisting the CEO in managing local and international litigations and arbitrations, including involving in the discussions with legal counsels and experts, developing strategies, overseeing key matters, monitoring progresses, etc.
6. 其他執行長指派事項。
Other tasks assigned by the CEO.
1. 需曾從事實質經營決策之職務,並具備管理組織工作經驗。
Working experiences over decision making and management level position is required.
2. 具有8年以上商務工作經驗
At least 8 years of commercial relevant work experiences.
3. 精通中英文,具良好溝通、協調能力,熟稔國內外產業經濟相關事務。
Possessing excellent command of both Mandarin and English; be sophisticated in communication and coordination skills, and familiar with industrial/economic affairs both domestically and internationally.
Business Manager to CEOO
“Market intelligence and trending”: Acting as a "Knowledge Manager" to assist the CEO in gathering and integrating information concerning issues related to global renewable industries, technologies, climate changes as well as international politics. Comprehending the dynamics of the industry, including the government policies, the developers, the supply chain, and technologies; analyzing the development trends of the business models and strategies (from industry to company specific), market intelligence, etc.
“International development affairs”: Assisting in planning of international collaboration/joint venture strategies for the company, including early stage partnership planning and contract negotiations, and the business development strategies and organization functioning during operational stage.
“Organization Coordination and talent development”: Assisting CEO in implementing human resource management mechanisms of hiring, training and evaluation. Carrying out organization coordination, monitoring the performance of the company and timely optimizing organization structure for the business goals.
“Schedule management and progress tracking”: Responsible for coordinating the CEO's schedule; participating in relevant meetings of each department; assist with reviewing the meeting minutes and businesses related documents and track the progress of assignments derived from the meeting agendas.
Other tasks assigned by the CEO.
At least 5 year of work experience, familiar with financial and business aspects.
Possess excellent command of both mandarin and English; be sophisticated in communication with various parties, and familiar with industrial/economic affairs both domestically and internationally. Experiences with involving business and management decisions are preferred.
Project Manager/Assistant Project Manager (Knowledge Management/International Affairs/Financial Analysis/Legal Matters/Project Management)
Depending on the skillsets and aptitude of the candidates, the scope of work can include the following:
Market intelligence and trending: Analysis of international and local offshore wind market dynamics, and gather important market information, such as O&M market opportunities, potential cooperative/competitive relationship.
International interfaces: Involving in the Operation and Maintenance businesses concerning international collaboration (joint investment), such as the development and implementation of core competencies, international investor related affairs, tender preparation, subcontractor management, and assisting in the organization planning of O&M businesses, etc.
3. 財務分析:協助建立及維護財務模型,並參與資本市場、投資人及金融機構相關事務等。
Financial Analysis: Assisting in building and maintaining financial models, and participating in matters involving capital markets, investors, and financial institutions, etc.
4. 法務事項:參與國內外訴訟、仲裁相關事務,包含:審閱及協助草擬書狀、就各案準備摘要以供分析及討論、管理訴訟時間表及跟追待辦事項等。
Legal Affairs: Involving in litigations and arbitrations related affairs domestically and internationally, including assisting in drafting and reviewing legal documents, providing summaries for internal discussion and analysis, managing the timeline and follow ups for each cases, etc.
5. 專案管理:配合專案小組維護客戶介面,協助離岸風場相關標案之規劃與執行,包含招標書審閱與分析、管理投標時程、數據分析、提出針對特定標案之提案書策略與撰寫提案書等。
Project Management: Co-working with the project team to maintain the interfaces with the clients, supporting on offshore wind farm O&M related tenders, including Request for Proposal (RfP) review and analysis, proposal schedule management, strategies for responding to specific technical and management requirements from the RfP and proposal making etc.
At least 2 year of work experience.
Demonstrable project management competency and coordination and communication skills.
Proficient in English.
HSEQ Manager
To drive the development and implementation of core HSEQ systems
To provide leadership to the company HSE and Quality Assurance functions
To establish the working relationships between other internal and external stakeholders and promote HSE culture
Auditing and monitoring of all employees and key suppliers
Review RA/MS and QHSE documents before execution phase commences and continue to update during execution
1.熟悉ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001)& ISO 14001環安衛管理系統
Familiar with ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001) and ISO 14001
Prior HSE experience in engineering or other related industries
Management experience is preferred
Proficient in English
Offshore work experience is a plus